Mohammad Bidhendi; Ali Karbasizadeh; Mohsen Shiravand
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2010, Pages 7-21
God has created the being in an unrivalled order and astonishing unity. A small part of this order is nature and man. Nature with all its existents is in relation to another part of being, i.e. man. According to the teachings of Abrahamic (monotheistic) religions, the whole being and thus nature are ...
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God has created the being in an unrivalled order and astonishing unity. A small part of this order is nature and man. Nature with all its existents is in relation to another part of being, i.e. man. According to the teachings of Abrahamic (monotheistic) religions, the whole being and thus nature are worshipping their Creator. This implies an alive and perceiving creature, which has [because of its being perceiving] some rights and obligations. God has granted nature and all its good things to man so that, enjoying it, he may attain his ultimate happiness which is the same as closeness to God. This is an interactive relation between two living creatures and not a relation according to which one side (man) may exploit the other side (nature). The link between man and nature is the fundamental issue of the ultimate goal of creation of man. While analyzing the existing teachings of the Abrahamic religions concerning the subject matter of the present study, the article has provided some reply for the question "What is man's role in producing evil (whether natural and supra-natural)?"
The methodology of the present study is an analytic-philosophical view to the phenomena of the world while discussing teachings of the monotheistic religions.
Among the results of the present study, we man mention discussing environmental crisis in a new and religion-based light, providing fundamental religious solutions for the problem, and existence of evil in the being if man comes into conflict with the environment.
Jafar Aqayani Chavoushi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2010, Pages 23-40
In the 4th Century (AD), in a short essay of which a manuscript is extant, the eminent Iranian mathematician and astronomer, Abulwafa Buzjani, determined the distance between Baghdad and Mecca in an entirely innovative way. He has generalized this method to determine the distance between all cities, ...
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In the 4th Century (AD), in a short essay of which a manuscript is extant, the eminent Iranian mathematician and astronomer, Abulwafa Buzjani, determined the distance between Baghdad and Mecca in an entirely innovative way. He has generalized this method to determine the distance between all cities, if their geographical longitudes and latitudes are known.
In the present article, after a review of the era of Buzjani which is known as the golden era of Islamic civilization and the applied mathematics became popular in that period, using the modern mathematical signs, his method is discussed; then, the result is compared with the results of one of the modern methods in this field so that accuracy of the this great mathematician may be shown in a better way.
Nikoo Dialameh; Maryam Baradaran Haghir
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2010, Pages 41-63
All kinds of human knowledge are communicated by a language and through words which contain concepts. In all sciences, researchers should communicate concepts through words and statements which may be easily explained and described, and their limits may be determined in an easy manner so that the researcher ...
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All kinds of human knowledge are communicated by a language and through words which contain concepts. In all sciences, researchers should communicate concepts through words and statements which may be easily explained and described, and their limits may be determined in an easy manner so that the researcher may be able to communicate meanings and concepts, as he has them in his minds, to the audience.
Development and growth are among concepts which are used in various fields without paying a real attention to their conceptual content. This is important since in transmitting a concept from a culture to the other, fundamental differences are of influence in internalizing it and making it functional.
In the present article, to make a comparison about the human growth and development in the intellectual framework popular in the West, the authors have redefined these concepts in the intellectual framework of Islam.
Esmail Saadati Khmaseh
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2010, Pages 65-92
Relation between religion and reason in Kant's philosophy is one of the topics which is difficult to be judged rapidly and decisively. In the present article, relying on Kant's important works and in particular his Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, the author tries to explore and describe ...
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Relation between religion and reason in Kant's philosophy is one of the topics which is difficult to be judged rapidly and decisively. In the present article, relying on Kant's important works and in particular his Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, the author tries to explore and describe Kant's real position. Taking into account transcendent idealism and originality of reason's autonomy in the Critical Philosophy as well as metaphors used by Kant in his works, we will come to the conclusion that, in Kant's intellectual construct, points such as God, revelation, religion, and permanence have been mentioned in various ways and emphasized occasionally. But either these points are considered as unproved axioms of ethics and mental ideas or they are of importance as much as they are consistent with principles and axioms ratified by human autonomous reason; and, conscience sometimes helps this reason and some other times it is supported by such a reason. In long run, in Kant's thoughts, God is reduced to a moral commonwealth which is a society based on virtues; and permanence is stripped of its individual and personal aspect and changes into a typical and collective hope for realization of such a society. Thus, as a personal phenomenon like dreaming, revelation is of interest as much as it is consistent with rules, laws, and ideals of the autonomous reason (whether theoretical or practical). Otherwise, like dreaming, it is regarded as a kind of temporary insanity and exodus from the social realm of man, and is denied implicitly.
Pirooz Faturechi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2010, Pages 93-108
The present writing is a short study of some backgrounds for relation between two important and long-standing issues in philosophy and theology, i.e. the issue of "soul and body" or to put it by modern terms the issue of "mind-soul" on the one hand and the way that the Creator and the world of nature ...
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The present writing is a short study of some backgrounds for relation between two important and long-standing issues in philosophy and theology, i.e. the issue of "soul and body" or to put it by modern terms the issue of "mind-soul" on the one hand and the way that the Creator and the world of nature relate on the other.
May we find a relation between the two issues historically and analytically? To reply this question, at first, it is shown through a short philosophical analysis that in discussing the way that the Creator and the world of nature relate, we face problems which are similar to the problems in our understanding of the issue of relation between soul and body (or mind and body). Then, some examples of historical and contemporary views in the Western philosophy and theology will be mentioned and some backgrounds of relation between the two issues will be discussed. Then, we will search for the backgrounds of relation between the two issues in the Islamic thought.
Serious recommendation about necessity of care and avoidance of extremism in using the simile of soul-body shall be taken into account.
Qodratullah Qorbani
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2010, Pages 109-138
Modern life has its own metaphysical foundations; and these foundations manage various aspects of the modern man's worldly life. The importance of the above foundations lies in the fact that they specify the way man looks at the whole order of being including God, himself, and the world, and thus, they ...
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Modern life has its own metaphysical foundations; and these foundations manage various aspects of the modern man's worldly life. The importance of the above foundations lies in the fact that they specify the way man looks at the whole order of being including God, himself, and the world, and thus, they understand and interpret all facts while taking man as a pivot.
As a consequence of man's centrality and then directing all attentions to meet his worldly needs, he goes to extravagance in using God-granted good things of nature, and ignores immaterial and spiritual truths, and these two points are among the main crises of man in the modern world.
It seems that, to solve the crisis of modern life, the role played by religion and in particular by Divine religions, is superior to all other factors; for, religion is able to provide replies for question for which man did not manage to find a reply in modern science and metaphysics.
Taking into account the above role as well as importance of metaphysical knowledge and view in solving the crisis of the modern man, the importance of the role played by religious science in this regard may be found; for, here, religious science is an epistemological system about nature and supra-nature and religious teachings play an important role in shaping its influential variables. And in this way, it grants a religious taint and direction to the whole science and in particular its usages, and prevents emergence of secular and anti-religious consequences
Zohreh Kamkar; Shahnaz Razavi; Mohammad Hadi AminNanji
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2010, Pages 139-159
In the present article, a comparison has been made between stages of evolution of man's embryo according to Quran, hadiths, and embryology. Main stages of evolution of the embryo from thickened fluid (emshaj) to congealed blood ('ulqah) to embryo (muzghah) to bones and flesh (scientific names given to ...
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In the present article, a comparison has been made between stages of evolution of man's embryo according to Quran, hadiths, and embryology. Main stages of evolution of the embryo from thickened fluid (emshaj) to congealed blood ('ulqah) to embryo (muzghah) to bones and flesh (scientific names given to them by the Holy Quran) are in correspondence with their microscopic forms and characteristics. In all this stages, embryo's length is not more than few millimeters. Nevertheless, embryology appeared in the second half of the 20th Century with all its modern technology and equipment has confirmed these Quranic descriptions. If one knows the stages of evolution of man's embryo which is a manifestation of the Quran's marvels, his belief in the Owner of the world of creation, God- the Exalted-, as well as the eternal miracle of the Sealing of Prophets, i.e. the Holy Quran, will become stronger.