Assistant Professor, Isfahan University
Modern life has its own metaphysical foundations; and these foundations manage various aspects of the modern man's worldly life. The importance of the above foundations lies in the fact that they specify the way man looks at the whole order of being including God, himself, and the world, and thus, they understand and interpret all facts while taking man as a pivot.
As a consequence of man's centrality and then directing all attentions to meet his worldly needs, he goes to extravagance in using God-granted good things of nature, and ignores immaterial and spiritual truths, and these two points are among the main crises of man in the modern world.
It seems that, to solve the crisis of modern life, the role played by religion and in particular by Divine religions, is superior to all other factors; for, religion is able to provide replies for question for which man did not manage to find a reply in modern science and metaphysics.
Taking into account the above role as well as importance of metaphysical knowledge and view in solving the crisis of the modern man, the importance of the role played by religious science in this regard may be found; for, here, religious science is an epistemological system about nature and supra-nature and religious teachings play an important role in shaping its influential variables. And in this way, it grants a religious taint and direction to the whole science and in particular its usages, and prevents emergence of secular and anti-religious consequences