lecturer of pgilosophy of science department, Sharif University of Technology
The present writing is a short study of some backgrounds for relation between two important and long-standing issues in philosophy and theology, i.e. the issue of "soul and body" or to put it by modern terms the issue of "mind-soul" on the one hand and the way that the Creator and the world of nature relate on the other.
May we find a relation between the two issues historically and analytically? To reply this question, at first, it is shown through a short philosophical analysis that in discussing the way that the Creator and the world of nature relate, we face problems which are similar to the problems in our understanding of the issue of relation between soul and body (or mind and body). Then, some examples of historical and contemporary views in the Western philosophy and theology will be mentioned and some backgrounds of relation between the two issues will be discussed. Then, we will search for the backgrounds of relation between the two issues in the Islamic thought.
Serious recommendation about necessity of care and avoidance of extremism in using the simile of soul-body shall be taken into account.