

1 Student of Mastership in Islamic Sciences (Sciences of Quran and Hadith), Qom Payam Nur University

2 PhD in Embryology, Assistant Professor, Medicine Department of Isfahan Medical Sciences University

3 PhD in Islamic Sciences, Member of Scientific Board in Qom Payam Nur University


In the present article, a comparison has been made between stages of evolution of man's embryo according to Quran, hadiths, and embryology. Main stages of evolution of the embryo from thickened fluid (emshaj) to congealed blood ('ulqah) to embryo (muzghah) to bones and flesh (scientific names given to them by the Holy Quran) are in correspondence with their microscopic forms and characteristics. In all this stages, embryo's length is not more than few millimeters. Nevertheless, embryology appeared in the second half of the 20th Century with all its modern technology and equipment has confirmed these Quranic descriptions. If one knows the stages of evolution of man's embryo which is a manifestation of the Quran's marvels, his belief in the Owner of the world of creation, God- the Exalted-, as well as the eternal miracle of the Sealing of Prophets, i.e. the Holy Quran, will become stronger.
