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1 M.A. in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Shahid Beheshti University(Corresponding Author)

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Shahid Beheshti University,


Among the various confrontations with the theory of evolution, there are evolutionist theologians who try to introduce theism and evolution together. John F. Haught -the theologian who believes in evolution- considers theology to be a supporter of the theory of evolution and by criticizing traditional theology, he believes that theology must be updated with science, because otherwise it will be eliminated. In order to plan the coordination and close connection between theology and evolution, Haught presents the theory of "Metaphysics of The Future ", according to which evolution is not only approved by theology, but the only correct explanation that can be given from evolution is the theology oriented to "Metaphysics of The Future". This research examines John F. Haught's criticisms of the philosophical foundations of evolutionist atheists as well as his proposed metaphysics. Haught's most important criticisms of atheists can be seen as criticism of their naturalism, explanatory monism, and scientism, and as well as ignoring the place of "belief" in the foundation of their beliefs. On the other hand, Haught's approaches can also be fundamentally criticized from the point of view of metaphysics on religion, stonewalling on the path of reductionism, unconditional acceptance of Occam's razor rule, hermeneuticism and flawed and disappointing theology.


  • پاپینو، دیوید، (1395)، طبیعتگرایی (دانشنامۀ فلسفۀ استنفورد)، ترجمه: حسن امیری آرا، تهران: ققنوس.
  • پول، مایکل، (2015)، تقلیلگرایی؛ یاری یا بازداری در تبیین رابطۀ علم و دین، ترجمه: مهدی نساجی، موسسه آموزشی پژوهشی خیریه ای علم و دین فارادی.
  • دویت، ریچارد، (1397)، جهان­بینی­ها: درآمدی بر تاریخ و فلسفۀ علم، ترجمه: احسان سنایی اردکانی، تهران: ققنوس.
  • شهبازی، علی، (1399)، الحاد جدید: چهره­ها، دیدگاه­ها، نقدها، تهران: نگاه معاصر.
  • هات، جان اف، (1399)، خدا و الحاد جدید، ترجمه: علی شهبازی، قم: دانشگاه مفید.
  • هاشمی، فاطمه، (1385)، « خدا، خدای پنهان (مفهوم خداوند و مشکلات الحاد)»، خردنامه همشهری، شماره 10.


منابع انگلیسی:

  • Barbour, I.G (1966), Issues in Science and Religion, London: SCM Press.
  • Brigandt, Ingo and Alan Love, “Reductionism in Biology”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2023 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <>.
  • Dawkins, Richard, 2006, The God Delusion, Bantam Press.
  • Dennett, Daniel Clement, 2006, Breaking the Spell: religion as a natural phenomenon, New York: Penguin Group.
  • Haught, John F., 2006, Is Nature Enough? Meaning and truth in the age of science, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Haught, John F., 2010, Making sense of evolution, Westminster John Knox Press.
  • Haught, John F., 2001, Responses to 101 Questions on God and Evolution, Paulist Press.
  • Haught, John F., 2015, Resting on the Future: Catholic Theology for an Unfinished Universe, Bloomsbury Academic
  • Hitchens, Christopher, 2007, God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, New York: Twelve Books.