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What is and how is relationship between science and religion, and modeling this relationship is main purpose of this paper. Approaches that sought to explain the relationship between science and religion (Differentiated perspective and conflict, cross and confirmation) only explore one aspect of this relationship and all of them are containing the basic weakness: they do not provide a theoretical model regarding encountering scientific and theological propositions. We can distinguish four areas in this subject: ontological, epistemological, semantic and genetic. This paper explains the relationship between science and religion in two areas: ontology and epistemology; and then provides two models regarding the explanation of this relationship in the two areas. About the ontological model, we use from mechanical view of the DNA molecule and then provide the model based on three concepts: religious truths, natural truths and points of coincidence. Epistemological model to explain the relationship between scientific propositions and theological propositions are presented based on separation the hard core of scientific theories and religious theology from their protective belt of them. After providing the above models, we try to show their logical consistency.