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This article discusses the two different approaches to the question of psychological and philosophical religion, based on the ideas of Karl Gustav Jung case study of religion, in which aspects are distinguished and why understanding this distinction is important  for the system of religion.
 To answer this question, the paper's  introduction, referring to the three areas of historical psychology of religion, the view of Jung's statement in the third grade and then enumerate some of the criticisms offered by this approach, has concluded that limiting  the influence of religion in Jung's legacy mental health,reduces heritage into something functional and fundamental themes of religion neglected. Thus, in the second part, trying to face the jung perspective of “understanding the symbolic language of religion”  neglected,is highlighted and show how this part of Jung's achievements can be considered a heritage to the philosophy of religion. Finally, we tried to take advantage of this heritage status for the purposes of that philosopher of religion are described in the following. In the end,by critique of religious studies interactions with other sciences,we are suppose to be familiar with some of the possibilities and limitations of the philosopher religion.


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