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Ottoman vicarage  in Islamic history is important in many ways. During this time, the process of personal and social environment and the political system was a major change in the nascent Muslim. Two important developments were occurring at the time of Caliph Uthman origin, a rebellion against the caliph and his murder, and the other, a new compilation of the Qur'an Qur'an The Qur'an refers to this as the Ottoman Empire was known and still. Abu Bakr and Uthman Qur'ans are not available on the other hand, a clear and consistent way for the investigation and development of certain facts exist. Today the current text and partial copies of the Qur'ans often diverse and often conflicting narratives mass of the first centuries, the documentation is available for research in the first half Qur'ans. This is why the emergence of the writings of Sanaa, especially for historical credibility of the Quran is particularly so.


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