Volume 13 (2022)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2017)
Volume 7 (2016)
Volume 6 (2015)
Volume 5 (2014)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012-2013)
Volume 2 (2011)
Volume 1 (2010)
Number of Volumes 13
Number of Issues 25
Number of Articles 211
Number of Contributors 367
Article View 275,707
PDF Download 266,018
View Per Article 1306.67
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Number of Submissions 1,166
Rejected Submissions 856
Reject Rate 73
Accepted Submissions 149
Acceptance Rate 13
Time to Accept (Days) 491
Number of Indexing Databases 7
Number of Reviewers 309
Meta-Analysis of Environmental Responsibility, Religion and Ethics Studies in Iran

Mahdi Karimi

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 1-29


  The responsible approach towards the environment and its moral dignity originates from religion and human worldview. Due to the increase in the environmental destruction in the present era, environment has become one of the most important concerns of human kind today. Based on this, the attention to ...  Read More

John F. Haught criticisms on the philosophical foundations of the new atheists

somayeh shamsi; mohsen jahed; seyyed esmaeel seyyed hashemy

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 31-54


  Among the various confrontations with the theory of evolution, there are evolutionist theologians who try to introduce theism and evolution together. John F. Haught -the theologian who believes in evolution- considers theology to be a supporter of the theory of evolution and by criticizing traditional ...  Read More

Curriculum Theology: Definitions and Typology

Morteza Noghrei; Maghsoud Aminkhandaghi

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024


  Abstract: Curriculum Theology is an emerging and relatively less known domain in the field of Curriculum Studies. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive definition of Curriculum Theology and to present a typology of it based on the current status and potential capacities of this domain. ...  Read More

Deliberating on the creation of the camel, from the view of the Quran and science

Hoda Ayat

Volume 7, Issue 13 , September 2016, , Pages 25-47

  Camel word was used several times in the Quran and it seems that the most important of them is verse 17 in the Sura of Ghashie. In this verse the importance of the camel is equal to massive creations such as Heaven and Earth and deniers have been invited to study of how is the creation of the camel. ...  Read More

The Ideas of Motahhari and Bazargan on the Relationship between Religion and Science

Mohammadsadiq zahedi; Sayyed Ahmad Samareh Hashemi

Volume 4, Issue 8 , July 2014, , Pages 59-76

  With the emergence of the scientific movement and the development of natural sciences, science and religion have faced many challenges in their relationship, and different viewpoints have been set forth on how they are related. In addition to conflict theory, which believes that religion and sciences ...  Read More

Barbour and the Integrity of Science and Religion

Morteza Fathizadeh; Mehdi Mohhamadi Asl

Volume 2, Issue 4 , April 2012, , Pages 55-79

  Ian Barbour, American physicist and theologian, undoubtedly is a prominent and effective figure in new debates about the relation between science and religion. Some of his works count as a turning point and the beginning of recent discussions about science and religion. He divides views or suggested ...  Read More

A Critique and Review of Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs Theory from the Point of View of the Holy Quran

Sohrab Morovati; Hamidreza Bahrami; Mina Yaghoobi; Farzad Gholami

Volume 4, Issue 8 , July 2014, , Pages 129-146

  Maslow’s human motivation theory has been considered as one of the most influential theories of psychology since its emergence. In this theory, basic human needs are ranked in a pyramid. Based on this hierarchy, basic needs, such as physiological needs, safety needs, etc., should be met first. ...  Read More

Investigating the role of cohesiveness and interaction theory in the pattern of acquiring religious knowledge

Amir Abdolahi Khalaj; Aabas Izadpanah

Volume 13, Issue 1 , May 2022, , Pages 1-24


  This study examines the two concepts of interactionism and coherence in the context of concepts in the context of epistemological structures in the field of philosophy of religious knowledge with the conceptualization approach by adding a combined method And tries to offer a proposal to justify the propositions ...  Read More

Peirce on the relationship between science and religion: with an emphasis on his fallibilism

Gholamreza Sadeghiyan; Hadi samadi; Keyvan Alasti

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 July 2024


  This article devoted to Charles Sander Peirce's view on the relationship between science and religion. The main thesis of the article is that although fallibilism, the main doctrine of Peirce's philosophy, was in challenge with the Church's doctrine, Peirce believed in the dialogue between ...  Read More


Alireza Monajemi

Mehdi Moinzadeh

Editorial Board:
. Mosa Najafi Hamidreza Ayatollahy . . . Hosein Mirjalili Mehrdad Karimi Alireza Monajemi

Executive Manager:
Amitis Javad Shahidi

Chief Editor:
Reza Hosseini

Senior Editor:
Marziye Lotfi

Frequency: Semiannual

Print ISSN: 38306462

Online ISSN: 23830654

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