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The Earth’s biosphere, regardless of political, religious, and linguistic boundaries, needs special care which is attainable if we observe common global ethical principles which can be called Earth Ethics. The emphasis on providing a common definition of mankind’s relationship with God, himself, and others does not seem necessary while the health and preservation of biosphere requires a common definition of mankind’s relationship with nature. Rearing its ugly head over and over in this century, the environmental crisis has called for a revision of human interaction with nature with respect to his using science and technology as well as an overall reconsideration of all religions and all schools of thought, both religious and ethical, concerning the human place in the world and environmental ethic. Perhaps, the main impetus of such reconsideration in Christian world came from Lynn White’s article, “Environmental Ethics”, which since its publication in 1967 up to now, have been extensively discussed by its opponents and proponents. In Islamic countries, such scholars as Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Parvez Manzoor, Seyyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad, Fazlun Khalid and Abdollah Javadi Amoli have carried out wide range of researches and written many publications on the subject. This paper attempts, in the first place, to give a general survey of the researches conducted up to now with the aim of showing that a common ground could be reached to preserve natural environment. The practice of learning and teaching such principles can both preserves natural environment and lead to a universal consent over some aspects of ethical principles.


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