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PhD student in public administration, School of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


Research ethics provide guidelines for the responsible conduct of research. In humanities research, ethics is one of the central issues and is defined as the ethics of planning, conducting and reporting research, which guides us on how to conduct and publish scientific research. The purpose of this research is to present the ethical principles of organizing and conducting research, as well as describing the characteristics of people with professional ethics. The purpose of this research is to present the ethical principles of organizing and conducting research, as well as describing the characteristics of people with professional ethics. The research method of this research is documentary-analytical. By analyzing the findings, 25 ethical principles of knowledge have been presented And is divided based on the characteristics of people with professional ethics. Adhering to ethical responsibilities at the level of researchers requires the ethical principles of research. therefore These principles provide ethical guidance for researchers and the institutions in which they work. Ethics is of particular importance in humanities research and is considered as a key component. Promoting research goals, promoting cooperation and coordination between different people in research, making researchers accountable to the public, helping to create public support for research and strengthening social responsibility are among the reasons why it is important to observe ethical principles in humanities research.
