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1 Ph.D. student in Philosophy of Science, Sharif University of Technology, Iran, Tehran (Corresponding Author)
2 Professor in Philosophy of Science, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
While generally the concern of the researchers of the philosophy of religion is related to the truth, justification and meaningfulness of the religious propositions, the theologian seeks to explain or understand the reason behind the thoughts and rituals of religious people. In this article, we discuss Freud's opinions in the field of religious studies to explain why religion appeared at the beginning of history from Freud's point of view. We also deal with the issue of how Freud's ideas in explaining the origin of religion are related to the opinions of Darwin and some Darwinists. In the introduction of this article, religious studies and its different categories have been discussed. In the second part of the article, we have explained Freud's opinions about the origin of religion in prehistory. In the third part of this chapter, we have discussed which part of Freud's theories in the field of religious studies was influenced by Darwin and in which part it contrasts with Darwin’s theories . In the fourth part, we have raised the criticisms of some Darwinists against Freud in the field of religious studies, and in the fifth part, we have examined these criticisms.
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