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Before the emergence of modern science ,Philosophy was dominant over all sciences, including the empirical ones. But with the advent of
positivistic school of philosophy during the first half of the nineteenth century  and its dominance until 1960’s, both religion and philosophy were put aside  formally , and scientists sought the answer to all human questions from empirical science.But, during the second half of the twentieth century ,it be came clear that science per se Cannot account for moral values and cannot answer humanity’s ultimate questions and is full of metaphysical assumptions. Therefore ,philosophy (especially  metaphysics ) has been revived by some eminent scientists, and they  are looking for a comprehensive worldview which can take care of scientists’ questions, and some of them have proposed a religious worldview for this purpose.



    1. d ‘Espagnat, Bernard, “Veiled Reality” in symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics, ed. By P. Lahti and P. Mittelstaedt (World Scientific, 1987), p. 160.
    2. Sandage, Allan, Quoted in Newsweek, 20 July, 1998.
    3. Quoted in W. W. Gibbs, “Profile: George Ellis”, Scientific American, Oct. 1995, p. 29.
    4. Ellis, George, “God and Modern Science”, in Great Thinkers on Great Questions, ed. By R. A. Varghese (Oxford: one world, 1998), p. 182.

    5.“Scientists moved beyond the how ‘questions’ to ask ‘why’ , The Christian Science Monitor, July 9, 1998, p. B4.

    1. «پاسخ آیت الله سبحانی به فیزیکدان انگلیسی» ، تبیان ، چهاشنبه 18/03/1390
    2. Crick, Francis, The Astonishing hypothesis: The Scientific Search for Soul (New York: Charles Scribner’s sons., 1994), p. 30.
    3. Eccles, John, Evolution of the Brain: Creation of the Self (London: Taylor and Francis, 2005), p. 249.

    (9) . مطهری، مرتضی، «قرآن و مسأله ای از حیات، مجموعۀ آثار ، ج 13( انتشارات صدرا، 1374) ، ص 56.

    1. Feyerabend, Paul, “Problems in Microphysics”, in R. Colodny (ed.), Frontiers of Science and Philosophy (Pittsburg: Pittsburg University Press, 1962), p. 258.
    2. مصباح یزدی، محمد تقی، درسهای معارف قرآن کریم، فصل شانزدهم: اصل علیت در قرآن (دانشگاه الزهراء، 1361)
    3. Einstein, Albert, Physics , Philosophyو and Scientific Progress, Physics Today ,June 2005, p. 46.
    4. Carroll, Sean "Physics needs philosophy/philosophy needs physics", Scientific American, July 18, 2018