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1 The Associate Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, University of Tabriz

2 The Professor of Physics, University of Tabriz

3 M.A. in Islamic Theology, University of Tabriz, (The First Auther)


Examining the views of Robert John Russell and William Pollard regarding theological arguments refutation of determinism based on the findings of quantum mechanics. The problem of determinism and free will in the framework of modern physics is discussed mostly based on the principles of quantum mechanics. In the meantime, William Pollard and Robert John Russell, who are both prominent physicists and at the same time Christian pastors, based on theological arguments, rejected determinism based on the findings of quantum mechanics, in which by accepting non-determinism as The inherent characteristic of atomic processes and the defense of the divine role and guardianship in the creation of this indeterminacy and its control have rejected the determinists' claim regarding the contradiction between the acceptance of free will for man and faith in the omnipotent and omnipotent God. In this article, after examining their views, we show that present approach is an effective step in presenting a satisfactory and comprehensive compatibilist view, especially in the framework of theological arguments. Of course, in order to solve the problems and shortcomings of this view, the problem of explaining and reductionism, assumed in this approach, should be criticized


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