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1 PhD student in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Department of Philosophy, Mofid University, Qom

2 Department of Wisdom and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Discovering the relationship between the Empirical Science and Worldview is discovering the relationship between two separate realms of human knowledge. Worldview is often concerned with metaphysical problems, and the empirical science with natural problems. But after discovering the relationship between them, we can see whether the new scientific discoveries can lead to new worldviews and whether the new worldviews can change the empirical sciences. This article aims at examining Abdulkarim Soroush’s views on this issue. According to Soroush, the different sciences have different relationships with each other. By separating the contexts of “Assertion” and “Latency” and the stages of “Discovery” and “Judgment”, he shows that the relationship between sciences is only in the context of “Assertion” and the stage of “Discovery” and in these two the empirical science and worldview can influence on each other.


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