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1 Assistant Professor of Political Thought at Tarbiat Modares University
2 Assistant Professor of Political Thought at Allameh Tabatabai University
If the most important concern of the post-revolutionary Iranian scientific community has been to achieve scientific progress and enter the field of civilization or revival of civilization, the question of this article is science-based flow science and claimants of the goal of progress, ie two-way, two-stream and two-device capacities. It is the thought of "wise jurisprudence" and "intellectual-liberal technocracy" that have lined up against each other with a respectable historical background, especially since the time of constitutionalism. The purpose of this study, with a brief reference to the general characteristics of each of them in the field of science, is to redraw and highlight the contrast between these two currents in a civilized perspective. The studies of this article by descriptive-analytical method and in a documentary study, showed that with the ideas of wise jurisprudence and the continuity of many efforts and struggles and resistance to the pro-Western current, important paradigm shifts have been made in the field of science and technology; Its central feature is the highlighting of the path of "beneficial science" and "productive" against the front of "pseudo-science" and "imitator" and paving the way for "scientific resurrection", by trying to expand and deepen the theory of "knowledge of the Sultan", The evolution of the humanities is the transformation of the system of knowledge into ability, moving on the border of science and stepping in the direction of the needs of the country. The change of the mentioned paradigm and the shift of mentalities and the collapse of previously assumed certain ideas in the field of science and technology, promises a way that began with the second step in the Islamic Revolution, such as the dominance of discourse and its learning at the national level. The Iranian-Islamic University, as well as the operational application of the suggestions of critics and commentators and the suggestions presented in this article, also determine the task of the last two hundred years of conflict.
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منابع اینترنتی
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