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Associate Professor of Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute
Discussion of the relationship between religion and ethics is one of the topics that has been considered by various thinkers and schools for centuries. The important question is whether religion can play a role in the field of morality and be used in organizing the moral system? What was accepted was the granting of a special status to ethics in religion and also a special credit to religious sources and teachings in organizing the moral system. The ethical system, according to this paper, has elements and components such as value theory, fundamental principles, inferential rules, incentives and guarantees of implementation. Value theory is the most important element of the moral system. Based on the findings of this paper, using the method of analysis of religious sources, religion and sources of religious knowledge, can play a role in shaping the theory of value in at least two ways: a. By preparing the foundations on which the foundations of value theory and the moral system are organized, and b. By directly determining the theory of value and explicitly showing the correct value theory. It should be noted that paying attention to ethics as a system and also referring to the role of religion in shaping the most important element of the moral system, namely the theory of moral value, are considered two important innovations of this article.
- قرآن کریم
- نهج البلاغه
- کتاب مقدس
- اوستا
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