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1 Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Shiraz University

2 PhD student of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Shiraz University


Using the Quranic, philosophical, mystical heritage and modern sciences and philosophies, Motahari presents the most complete interpretation of the theory of Nature. He first considers temperament, instinct and nature for man three times. The order divides nature into two parts, the nature of cognition and the nature of tendency, and mentions five tendencies for the nature of tendency. Influenced by other psychologists and philosophical and mystical traditions, Jung proposes the unconscious theory. He first divides the human psyche into two parts: the conscious psyche and the unconscious psyche. He then divides the unconscious into two types, the individual unconscious and the collective unconscious, and mentions different archetypes for the collective unconscious. The purpose of this study is to investigate and apply the general framework of these two theories, which has been followed by descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. The anthropology of both theories, the correspondence between the nature of cognition and the conscious, and the nature of tendency with the unconscious, the equivalence of individual nature with the individual unconscious and general nature with the collective unconscious, the similarity of the five nature tendencies with archetypes, carrying both theories to explain religious phenomena is one of the similarities of these two theories. Dedicating the theory of nature to the positive and transcendent aspects and addressing the unconscious theory to the positive and negative aspects of the spirit are the differences between these two theories.


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