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1 PhD student at the University of Religions and Religions
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Farhangian University
Modernity, which represents the novelty, the break from the past and the word to the emerging future, has affected all aspects of life, including religion, and is at odds with the role of the divine religions, including the important role that such religions play in giving meaning to life. Looking for a new meaning and purpose in life. Therefore, in the present study, by examining the role of modern spirituality in the meaning of life, it seeks to answer the question of how modern spirituality gives meaning to life and what are its strengths and weaknesses. Descriptive-analytical research method and data collection using sources The library is done. The results of research have shown that modern spirituality also considers human life to have meaning and purpose and having advantages such as emphasizing modern rationality, considering the conditions of modern man, concerns of reduction and pain of modern man ... in the first place to create an attractive meaning of life , Looks reasonable and efficient; But since modern spirituality is human-centered and uses only the rationality of the foundation itself to know spirituality, this initial image of modern spirituality is lost; Therefore, modern spirituality is content with the minimum in discussing the meaning of life and has a more pragmatic approach, which is typically a soothing and narcotic method for human beings.
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