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1 PhD student in Islamic Philosophy and Theology at Zanjan Universit

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy and Isamic Theology, Faculty of Humanity Sciences, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


Analyzing and studying the relation of science and religion were always the most important philosophical and theological concerns. One of the researchers that paid attention to this problem in detail, is Michael Ruse. He suggests that the entity of science in essence, is metaphoric, and since metaphor is limited, so science is limited, and some issues are not problems for scientist need to be answered. He provided a list of this kind of issues, as follows: origin of the creatures, foundations of morality, the nature of conscience, and the meaning of life. So there is a room for other fields to answer these questions. Therefore, Ruse calls himself adherent to independence position. The weakness of Ruse position is that he claims that the issues are now in the domain of religion, in the future fall under the science; while the authors believe in: first, the most of these four issues in list above, couldn’t fall under the science, because of selectiveness of science, non-evaluativeness, and the dominance of machine metaphor. So these issues will be under the religion. Second, according to that the language of science is metaphoric, we must accept the complementary position, rather than independence.


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