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1 Master of Islamic Philosophy. Researcher and lecturer

2 Associate Professor of Western Philosophy, Faculty Member of Mazandaran University


Existential analysis of death is one of the fundamental Heidegger's thinking. According to Heidegger, death as the determination of Dasein's genuine possibilities is an inevitable necessity, which reveals part of his universality. The possibility with which Dasein was born and enters the process of understanding existence. In other words, life and death are two seemingly contradictory but mutually reinforcing things. In the Islamic tradition, Nahj al-Balaghah, with its existentialist views on the concept of death, considers it as the closest possibility to a person from which there is no escape. The consciousness’s death and its occurrence is part of the process of being a person. Hazrat Amir's reading of death is not a negative and anxious reading, it is a genuine and existentialist view that one realizes in the process of life as a potential thing. In the present study, with an existentialist view of death in Nahj al-Balaghah and the closeness and contemplation of Heidegger and Imam Ali on the issue of death will be shown, the concept of death ascending to self-awareness, conscious living and determining the real possibilities of the individual in Is the world. In other words, death is a kind of embrace of life.


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