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Professor,, Philosophy Department, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehran, Iran


Several theories have been presented about the religious science, each of which has tried to provide a roadmap for it. But have these theories been successful? Have they been able to have a social impact among educators and students? In this paper, by examining the factors of failure of many of them, we consider the requirements of an effective and successful religious science theory. These requirements are analyzed in these eleven ones: providing appropriate examples of a religious science theory, providing an operational solution for its realization, providing the necessary acceptability, having an appropriate response to the supposed conflicts between science and religion in that science, and specifying The religious level of that religious science, the distinction between religious science in different religions, having internal coherence and experiential adequacy, the lack of annulment of a religious science with the manuscripts of some scientific materials, consistency with the set of coherent beliefs of religion, the advantage of becoming religious science in relation to secular science, being transformative.
According to the above requirements, the author's theory of religious science that can be successful and effective will be presented and it will be studies how these requirements are considered in it.


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