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Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Physics Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.


Most theories of religious science in Iran, not only try to realize the practical compatibility of science and religion, but also seek to apply religious theses in (natural and social) sciences and their education. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the "application of religious science in (natural) science education", which is under the broader problem called the "realizability of religious science theories". in order to analyze and study the problem in more detail, three theses (suggestions) are proposed at the beginning: First, the religious science education is a nonsense ideal and impossible. Second, instead of Religious Science education we must talk of religious education of science. Third, religious education of science is itself a paradox. these theses analytically have examined based on religious science theories, as well as goals, structure and nature of science education approaches. This study shows that religious science education in the current situation and due to the lack of a religious model for science, although not in principle meaningless and impossible, but an ideal (not in the sense of unattainable). Instead, religious education of science is possible and realizable. However according to the standard goals of current science education, biased and dogmatic approach to religion leads to paradoxical "religious education of science" construct. Thus, the problem of "application of religious science theories in science education", not only tied to several other problems, but also it can be reduced to them, And the more accurate answer to the problem is rely on the solutions to those associated problems.


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