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Assistant Professor. Department of Philosophy of ImamKhumaini Institute
The Impact of the Sophistries (fallacies) of Existentialism on the Human Sciences
Mental course of existentialism suffers from remarkable fallacies; Fallacies regarding the subject matter of the human sciences, such as taking accidental instead of essential and giving authenticity to the act instead of actor; methodological fallacy or fallacies regarding the methodology of the human sciences, such as employing the presumptive allegory and imperfect induction instead of surly analogy and perfect induction and object base (aiming) fallacy and to mixing target with means; mixing supreme, final perfection with free will which is mediatory perfection.
Since the course of existentialism have influenced on learned and thinkers of human sciences, this caused them to look to thoughts, reflections and selections of men through this site. The output and product of this process was that, the human sciences which were going to collect and complete human sciences unless managing and directing correctly and properly the society, they are hindered or detained from this target. As an example, influenced by existentialists’ thinkers, who limited man to a practical experience or and look at man as limited worldly animal, existential psychology neglecting beyond animal nature of man and ignoring wide unacquired and eternal common characteristics of human beings such as perceptions, tendencies and special capacities, couldn’t understand that eternal characteristics of man aren’t extracted from living experience and is in an argent need to an intellectual understanding and comprehending that human being is constructed of two dimensions, a physical one as well as spiritual one.
The present paper, participating descriptive and analytic method, while presenting an acceptable definition of human sciences will evaluate the influences of fallacies on subject, method and target of human sciences.