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1 Ph.D in Philosophy, University of Isfahan

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology



In the paper, the interaction between physics and theology is confirmed and it is shown that rise of Quantum physics in early of twentieth century caused not only changes in bases of classical physics, but also new subjects in domain of theology. For this purpose, an explanation of complementarity which is one of the most important Bohr’s achievements in elucidating of Quantum phenomena is given, and then the effect of complementarity in advent of theology discourse is represented. Therefore, it is cleared that complementarity had been effective on Mackay in explicating the relation between science and theology and his view about distinguish among various standpoints. On the other hand, the Bohr’s complementarity is indebted to Kierkegaard’s teaching about faith and it’s contradiction to objectivity. Finally, apart form confirming or denying of complementarity usage in theology subjects like it’s usage in physics, it is claimed that complementarity can deepen the various levels of theology doctrines which describe the religious truths.


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