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1 PhD Student of Philosophy in Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy in Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

3 Professor of Philosophy in Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran



On the question of the interpretation of the universe, Nietzsche always tries to prefer mythological and philosophical elements to Christian and religious interpretation and reading. However, he himself states great achievements for Christianity that if higher than the influence of philosophical and mythological ideas. It is not less in human history. Nietzsche's critique of Christianity seems to be pessimistic and negative, while in other respects it expresses different aspects of thought or person. In his analysis, Nietzsche insists on polarizing the course of the interpretation of the universe, so that the ancient commentator and his own interpretation are on one side of the dispute, but do not place Christ (pbuh) on the other side, but only to this extent. He argues that it was an excuse for a beginning. He contrasts Paul with the apostle, who offers a different interpretation of what early Christianity was. He does not read because he occasionally avoids the issues of this religion in matters unrelated to Christianity. Nietzsche always emphasizes that Christianity inherits all the destructive currents of life and existence. This dichotomy of the interpretation of the universe is presented as a confrontation between ancient culture and Christianity, which does not seem to be in real harmony with human history because he considers Christianity to be non-genuine and doomed to non-existence, ruled by a human for at least two thousand years. He still does, although he deals with these issues in the form of a short phrase, but he did not want to speak as extensively as Christianity criticizes those achievements.


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