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1 Azad Zahedan

2 Theology Group, Department of Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Science



Rumi's thought about acquired knowledge and presence and his reliance on the passage of external knowledge and reaching intuition and seeing the facts of the world, led the author to refer to titles and evidence of argument, confirmation and insistence of the two pillars of Islamic mysticism on the originality and legitimacy of presence. And intuition in the conduct to ..., pay special attention to Rumi's narrow thinking on the subject of esoteric secrets and optical wisdom. In this article, Rumi's views on the characteristics of face-to-face science, through behavior, perception of jokes and truths, the contribution of my struggle in discontinuity and self-purification, reflection on the novel system of creation, ascension to the world of light, radiance of light on the hearts of seekers are discussed. And has been referred to as evidence in proving Rumi's belief and reliance on sacred and present behavior in esoteric perceptions.


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