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1 islamic azad university,bandarabbas branch

2 islamic azad university, bandar abbas branch



Contemporary physics believes that gravity and repulsion between sub-atoms cause vibrational motion and constant movement in objects, and considers this movement unstoppable even at the zero point of energy and a kind of necessity for the existence of the body. From this point of view, the cessation of intrinsic movement can be imagined only if the body disintegrates. On the basis of the originality of existence, Mulla Sadra extends motion in the existence of skeptical beings and considers substantial and intensified motion as inseparable components of moving beings. According to him, the movement and intensity of beings are permanent and will not stop even after death and resurrection. These two bases are comparable in several ways: Both bases have been proposed due to the inefficiency of previous systems. Both foundations consider the existence of motion as a prerequisite for the existence of beings capable of movement and movement. Contemporary physics, however, considers the intrinsic movement in the material world and current bodies, but in Sadra's final approach, motion and intensity, in addition to the material world, extend to all metaphysical beings except the necessary transcendence.


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