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Payame Noor University



One of the original teachings of modernity is the subject of secularism. According to this doctrine; The constitution, the rule of law, and the customary law of modern Western countries are based on the non-authority of religion, the privatization of religious rites, the separation of politics, and the conflict of science and reason with religion. In recent years, prominent political science thinkers such as Jurgen Habermas have reconstructed the position of religion in society and the relationship between politics and religion by proposing post-secularism and arguing for the necessity and presence of religion in the public sphere. In this article, the post-secular teachings of Habermas and the metasecular views of Motahhari are examined and compared in a descriptive-analytical method. According to the findings of this study, Habermas and Motahhari's ideas are similar to the incompleteness of secularism and the necessity of religion's presence in politics, and differ in the sources of transition from secularism and the scope of religion's presence in post-secular society. Based on the humanistic teachings of modernity,


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