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1 Professor of Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences in, University of Tehran

2 PhD student in Quranic and Hadith Sciences, University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor of, Department of Quran and Hadith in, Payame Noor University



the Enemies, from the early days of Islam to the day, does efforts to combat this divine religion and have tried various methods. One of the this ways, is create the doubts. In this regard, recently published book entitled The Critique of the Qur'an has been published by a person named Soha, in which the author attempts to prove the existence of error in the Holy Quran. In the section on scientific doubts of this book, the author has criticized verses related to geological sciences and introduces Them as Scientific mistake. These doubts directly cover some of Nahj al-Balagha's sermons (1, 91, 171, and 211), and Due to the complexity of Answer to them, has been less addressed by scholars. The present study is a descriptive-analytical method with a critical approach and based on library resources, it critically examines the raised doubts and claims. The result of this study is that what is stated in the verses of the Holy Qur'an and the Nahj al-Balagha's sermons on the geological sciences are exactly in line with the scientific findings. also the poems that the author has argued with them In terms of document, are fictitious


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