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An urgent approach to the scientific interpretation of the Qur'an, which arose from passive confrontation with the advances of the Western world on the one hand, and the backwardness of the civilization of the Islamic world on the other hand, often the implementation of the Qur'an has led to unconventional theories and scientific theories, which themselves Is considered as an interpretive slip, and sometimes the theory of the extraction of all sciences from the Qur'an has been induced into society, which is also a misunderstanding. What is important and correct is the use of the definite and definitive achievements of the scientific sciences in understanding the verses of the Holy Qur'an and in the knowledge of the guidance of man and the achievement of eternal bliss and the harmonization of divine divine verses in the system of creation, which of course Only in the necessity-driven approach will the scientific interpretation be achieved. Desirable and ideal scientific interpretation, only with the cooperation of a group of experts in the field of empirical sciences in its various branches, arranges and interacts with the interpreters and acquaintances of the language and logic of the revelation, and maybe until the commentators are often unfamiliar with the specimens of the science of science and science scholars The natural alien from the depths of divine teachings, each individually and often from an emergency and passive, to a seemingly scientific interpretation of the Quran, this interpretive approach will remain ineffective.


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