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Renovation concept of science and religion In light of Approach combines reason and faith
The historical review of "reason and faith" and Interaction between The findings human and religious data and to Clarify the scope of each of these two categories, has attracted the attention of philosophers and theologians. So that the mountain area of the history of religions can be considered Continuous dialogue scenes reason and religion that the new face of its history as "science and religion" goes back to the Middle Ages. Science in the broad sense of the word is Regular collection of knowledge and human knowledge about natural facts which is obtained by experience and observation. Religion is a set of doctrines that is Revealed the source of divine revelation to prophets to guide mankind. Due to the differences in technique, subject matter and purpose of science and religion, this question has always been between philosophers and theologians, that what proportion can be assumed that between them? With a descriptive method, this article attempts to explain the approach of the Quran on the relationship between reason and faith and renovation concept of science and religion In light of this approach combine. Results showed that due to the nature of religious knowledge in both natural and divine, Working scientist and prophet is one thing And it is determining the nature of religious knowledge In both natural and divine their proper method: Who, of course, the best way for scientists to determine the nature of religious knowledge is Directly observed facts of nature By means of sense and experience with a rational assessment and The best method in determining the religious knowledge of the divine nature is Discover Paranormal facts in the light of supernatural revelation with rational measure.
Key words:
The Holy Quran, ration and faith, Innate knowledge, the principle of nature, science and religion


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