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Assistant Professor of History, Imam Khomaini International University, Ghazvin, Iran


The teachings of Shi'ism in Islam are among the controversial issues that have plagued the nations and writers, thinkers and theorists of the Western world and Islam. This study explores some of the key concepts of Shi'ism in Goldziehr's ideas and examines his particular understanding of its teachings. The present study uses a descriptive-analytical approach to answer the question whether Goldsiehr's view has taken on the roots and foundations of authentic historical and religious sources or has centered on his view of Judaism and Torture or at least drowning in resources and Is it inappropriate? The author's hypothesis is that although Goldziehr 's research is based on a scientific method, his influence on the Jewish environment and on non-Shiite sources is not without discussion. The findings of the study show that the divisiveness of the Islamic world and its tendency toward special topics such as: Imamate and Mahdism are partly fueled by the skepticism of various sects and religions. However, some details should be acknowledged. He concludes that at least the basis of Goldziehr's controversial themes, such as the approximation of Shiite religion and thought to other sects and groups, such as the influence of Iranianism and especially the Mu'tazilite, is true.


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