1 Assistant Professer of Sociology of I .A.U. (Babol Branch)
2 M.A of Sociology
According to the approach engaged to the concept of life style, there are usually differents description about it. life styles are a set of attitudes, patterns, behavior style, taste, the kind of use and means of life. Most of the time, that is collective action and several people are found the similarities on one kind of life style. these similarities raise as symbolic in society and make an identy for individual and social groups. now a days, life style is an effective factor on all of life aspects. in this article, by text analysis method, we study the effect of life style on individual and society value system with religion in the view of Ibn khaldon on the introduction book. Ibn khalon believe that geographical environment and livelihhod style are made two different kind of life styles in the society as Bedouin and urbanized. he believed that the kind of Bedouin needs and life style has been developed urbanism and special life style. this life style are established connection to many of collective existence area and are changed the religious on three dimension of belief, ethical and ritual.