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1 student of International University of Imam Khomeini Qazvin

2 Associate professor of Islamic philosophy and theology of International University of Imam Khomeini Qazvin

3 Associate professor of Islamic philosophy and theology of International University of Imam Khomeini Qazvin.


Considering that theology of Eckhart is considered to be a divine theology that He emphasizes the unknowableness of God and His exaltation of possibilities, The issue of human deification seems to be impossible in the eyes of Eckhart. So the question is raised about how Eckhart believes in the deification of mankind? What are his foundations and principles in this matter? Human deification in the eyes of Eckhart is based on his principles and foundations  of anthropological. This reaserch  indagates four anthropological components of Eckhart. This  four anthropological components consist on: divine birth in the soul- power of intellect- similarity nature of God and nature of soul -Non – Stage. Eckhart, based on this  foundations and principles, believes that human has holder  power and capacity that can rise to possible crest and turn to similar of God. In this reaserch try to whit descriptive ana analytical metod and whit cite to works of Eckhart clear Eckhart's anthropological principles and foundations  in the possibility of human deification.


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