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Assistant Professor of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The crisis of environment is a serious challenge in the contemporary world. The damaged nature persuades the environmental researchers to find the main causes and factors of this crisis. Among this factors the role of some religious teachings are doubtful in the crisis of environment. Some believe that the crisis of environment caused by desecration of nature and inattention to the religious teachings and its solution is returning the sanctity to the nature on the basis of religious teachings. In opposition to this view, some presume that a number of religious teachings such as divine vicegerent on earth or recommendation to an ascetic life lead to the elimination of nature and irresponsibility to that. This paper wants to study Sallie McFague's view point, a Christian theologian in the area of theology of environment about the role of religious models in solving of environmental crisis. Sallie emphasizes on the role of religious teachings in solving the crisis of environment by presenting the model of "creation as the body of God". The result of this research shows that although this theory has strength but because of some serious criticisms needs to be reviewed.


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