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1 Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Naghade

2 Department of Philosophy and Isamic Theology, Faculty of Humanity Sciences, University of Zanjan

3 zanjan university


This essay is going to explain the effect of supernatural elements on the meaning of life from viewpoint of Cottingham. In this study, first, we illustrate the threefold approaches to the theories of meaning of life( perpose, value and function), that is: naturalism, non-naturalism and supernaturalism, then explain the viewpoint of Cottingham( supernaturalism) on the meaning of life. Cottingham interpret the " meaning" as "valuable purpose", and believes that God and the eternality are supernatural elements that give meaning to the life. He enjoys two arguments for confirming his foundation: 1) unchangeable moral norms for theistic element and, 2) successfulness for the eternality. Cottingham in argument that presents through theism for giving life the meaning, uses of genetic foundation and natural law rather than merely divine command. He, at last, emphasizes on compound view( God and eternality) as his final view on giving life ( that is, a life with valuable purpose) the meaning. Because of this, it can be said that the special views of Cottingham are: 1) interpretation of the meaning as a valuable purpose, 2) enjoying natural law for giving life the meaning, 3) believing on compound supernaturalism.


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