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1 Corresponding author: Doctor of Philosophy student of Islamic education. Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Allameh Tabatabaei University. Department of Educational Sciences

3 Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Tarbiat Modarres University. Department of Educational Sciences

4 Associate Professor and Faculty Member of kharazmie University. Department of Educational Sciences


Today, the relation of science and religion is one of the most controversial issues in Western and Islamic societies. This research is qualitative research component in terms of design and has been used in the framework of descriptive-analytical method. Ian Barbour and Professor Motahari, with two different attitudes, tried to recognize the complementarity of science and religion. On the basis of "sculpture philosophy," Barbour draws on four approaches to "conflict, distinction, dialogue and complementarity" which, according to Motahhari, includes critique of: the unity of science and religion within the framework of sculptural philosophy, critical realism, the equalization of God and the world, the preeminence of knowledge Empirical study of religious knowledge is presented in this paper by designing three questions: "The relation of science and religion in the viewpoint of martyr Motahhari", "The relationship between science and religion in the context of Barbour" and "The strengths and weaknesses of Ian Barbour based on the theory of Professor Motahari" it placed. Motahari examines the preconceptions of the minds of individuals in the pursuit of the complementarity of the relationship between science and religion and believes that science and religion need each other. Barbour's views in his latest commentary on the relationship between science and religion, relying on the theology, have changed the way in which the distinction between science and religion has become complementary to these two.


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