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One of the most controversial and focal inter-disciplinary challenge in filed of science and religion, and contemporary natural teleology, is Teleological Argument (TA) or "Argument from finality" for the existence of God. In this paper by analyzing one of the specific revisions of the TA, named: "Cosmological Fine-Tuning Argument (CFTA)" (by William Laine Craig),   we will criticize main competitor's natural explanations- (a)Multiverse Hypothesis, (b)other kinds of Life, (c) Supper symmetry Breaking theory- and defend this claim that "CFTA is the best explanation for the Fine-Tuning of the Universe". If CFTA is sound and persuasive, "Theistic Finalism" is better explanation than "Atheistic naturalism" for explaining Fine-Tuned state of the world and the way of Atheism, in methodological naturalism (MN), is not a paved way.


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