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PhD student of political thought of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


The term " Progress of science" belongs to the contemporary era and was first introduced by William Whewell in the 19th century. The main question of this article is that what is the positivist viewpoint, the "Approach to the Truth" and Thomas Kuhn's view of " Progress of Science "? And what are the criticisms of these views? And on the other hand, what is Islam's theory of the progress of Islam? The logical positivists for science have accumulated an accumulation of character, eventually culminating in the Progress of Science to the unity of science and its reduction to physics and its globalization. Popper, however, does not neglect the inductive logic of positivists, and, according to deductive logic, introduces the guessing and annihilation method in explaining the progress of science. As scientific hypotheses are raised and criticized, the growth and development of science occurs both in this context and in the path to truth and reality. Cohen believes that the prior and theories of the scientific revolution are completely different theories that differ fundamentally from their earlier theory. This difference is so great that it is impossible to compare the two theories, so relying on progress. Kuhn later, of course, corrected this approach.
In the religious view, given that truth exists as an environment, it is hierarchical, and the world tries to enter the realm of reality by plotting the theory and moving towards the truth.


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