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Student in Qom Seminary


One of the most important issues in the field of philosophy of religion and the philosophy of science is "the relation of science and religion" and "religious science". Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, wise, during the discussion of the topic of "the dignity of reason in the geometry of religious knowledge", has devised a general outline of his view of this relation that can be considered the most challenging theory of religious science. Therefore, there are various mistakes and questions about the theory, one of the most important of which is "Emancipation" as well as "lack of efficiency and effectiveness, especially in the field of empirical sciences". Therefore, in this paper, it is tried to focus on the ideas of this wise guy, respectively, in seeking answers to the two questions that "what should be done in order to achieve a model for the Islamization of the sciences?" And then "such a plan, if elaborated and implemented, What are the results and functions? "Therefore, based on his views, the essentials of the religious of the empirical sciences are explained in the following two titles:"  Proposition Principles "and" Methodological Principles ". Then, the results of implementation of this model are explained below in five terms. In this section, It is clear that if this theory is turned into an operational model, experimental science will have a extraordinary effect, one of which will be "increasing the efficiency of experimental science and technology leap."


قرآن کریم.
نهج البلاغه.
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