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1 Professor of Persian language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 PhD Graduate of Persian language and Literature from Tehran University


Christian letters like Letter to the Hebrews or Epistle to the Galatians are the type texts frequently studied by various approaches. Rhetorical critics also in rhetorical criticism of the Bible have had different and various attitudes and have adopted different approaches. That’s why in recent years rhetorical criticism has come to be known as way of analyzing Christian letters in the bible. In this essay we will study the evolutions and the reasons for changing attitude in rhetorical criticism of the Bible. In the short history of rhetorical criticism stylistic approaches will soon be replaced by the method base on classical rhetoric and after other methods based on interdisciplinary studies will be introduced. Limitations of stylistic approaches which only considered the aesthetical aspects of the letters is one of the most important reasons for the emergence of methods base on classical rhetoric, However the disputes over the relationship between rhetoric and epistolography and the prescriptive nature of these methods lead to other methods based on interdisciplinary studies being introduced.


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