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One of the important topics in the field of religious studies is the relation between "science and religion" and the explanation of the areas of religious doctrines and scientific findings. With the intellectual and cultural changes after the Renaissance, the contradictions of science and religion appeared in Christianity; Friedrich Schleiermacher and Karl Barth were among the most prominent figures who tried to reconcile religion with the demands of modern times. Although both of them had a new and rehabilitating approach in the course of religious modernization, they sought to prove the independence of religion from science and create protective areas for religion, but by presenting their plans for returning to the essence of religion, they made readings from religion that had considerable problems due to their one-dimensionality. Schleiermacher reduced the importance of God and important elements of religion to personal feelings and personal experience; a kind of human-centered and interpreted religious teachings based on human knowledge that Karl Barth called wrong. But Barth was also at risk; The only criterion of his measure was Christian teachings, and the commemoration of God was made by minimizing man; That is exactly the opposite of the direction Schleiermacher had done.


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