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Debates on space and time are generally formed around Absolutism and Relationalism. According to Absolutism space and time are real entities and independent of objects while Relationalists believe that space and time are the relation between bodies. Although Newton and Kant, both claim that space and time are real and independent entities, Newton’s space and time depend on God and Kant’s space and time depend on human’s mind.  
The aim of this paper is to investigate the relation between God and space and time in epistemic systems Of Newton and Kant in order to pursue the view in which Newton’s account of space and time allows God to be within his epistemic system and Kant’s account provides a way to keep God out of his epistemic system.


آپل، ماکس(1375)، شرحی بر تمهیدات کانت، ترجمه محمدرضا حسینی بهشتی تهران، مرکز نشر دانشگاهی.
جانیاک، آندره (1392)، نیوتن فیلسوف، ترجمه سعید جعفری، تهران، نیلوفر.
کانت، امانوئل (1362)، سنجش خرد ناب، ترجمه میرشمش الدین ادیب سلطانی، تهران، امیرکبیر
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