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Physicians in theoretical physics consider the human as an open system which is constantly interacting with his surrounding environment and holding exchanging information by it. Now the question is, what is the relationship of these information with human being? Naturalistic philosophers believe that these data collected and analyzed in the brain and will ultimately destroy by the death of the man. But if we believe in the immaterial being of the human soul, we must make speaking in a significance manner about the human person’s information which is served and is beyond the matter. In this article, we aim to examine the role of the information (including scientific or nonscientific data) in the human existence; and we are presenting the definitions based on the information theory and entropy in systems theory, so we can defense of what is mentioned as “consciousness” in the recent attitudes of the soul identification. The contradiction of the consciousness from the body and the matter in physics, is an income of anew reviewing for the abstraction and substantiality of the soul which was a genuine and strong philosophical
belief in the old ontology


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