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Cartesian circle is a well-known topic. This issue first put forward by his contemporaries to the extent that according to Descartes “if I am certain that God exists and is not deceiver, I can be certain that whatever I perceive clearly and distinctly is true.” and “only if I first be certain that whatever I perceive clearly and distinctly is true, then I can be certain that god exists and is not deceiver.” That is, certainty of the two propositions: “God exist and is not deceiver”, and “whatever I perceive clearly and distinctly is true”, depend on each other and it entails circle. There is several solution for Cartesian circle among which the solution of memory, of twofold certainty, and of psychological interpretation are very important. This article deals whit the solution of memory, according to which God guarantees our memory rather than the truth of our clear and distinct perceptions.


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