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This article seeks to find a way to properly explain the scientific findings about the biology of human beings on Earth before Adam (AS) in the verses and Hadiths. Archaeological findings suggest that pre-existing humans, two types of creatures with intelligence and free will, the Neanderthals and Cromangons, who lived in the land of ten thousand years ago, is depleted. The hadithes  In general, talk about the existence of two species of Jinn and Gorilla and indicate the existence of seven types of humanoid creatures on earth. Perhaps we know Neanderthals and Cromangons two types of Gorilla. Based on historical studies and scientific research since the fall of Adam as the father of the current people on the ground, less than in tens of thousands of years ago. No physical connection between Adam and creatures before him there. The theory of Transformism about Adam and his seed is not true.


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