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The present research studies three samples of asserted conflicts between the Qur’an and science. Assuming the earth to be motionless, falling hails from mountains in the sky and pertaining science about fetus to God are among instances referred by claimants of conflict between the Qur’an and science such as Kāmil Najjār in the book “Qirā’at Munhajjīah lil-Islam”. The present article attempts to reveal the flaws in the said claims by analyzing the verses related to these three topics and providing reasons by empirical knowledge. So, the paper states that it cannot be inferred from the lack of explicit referral to the movement that the Qur’an assumes it to be motionless. Also attribution of qarār (fixity) to the earth is solely evidence of common immovability. Similarly, denial of zawāl (destruction) for arz (Earth) in Qur’an describes protection of the earth from the movement that leads to transformation and destruction, not preserving it from absolute movement.
As regards the falling hail from the mountains, the comment jibāl fi ha men barad (mountains containing ice in them) refers to the mountains of ice clouds in the sky. Also, according to meteorology, cold and ice clouds are the origin of various rainfalls.
As for the science about the fetus, the phrase wa ya’lam mā fel arhām ([He] knows what is in the wombs of mothers) solely considers the comprehensive and absolute knowledge of embryology to be excusive to God. This is not incompatible with the fact that humans know about some characteristics of the fetus.


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