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This paper studies deviant groups and the reasons for their emergence in the first five chapters of the Holy Qur’an. The study is carried out with a sociological approach to find useful preventive ways of deviancy. The paper also compares the viewpoints of Iranian and international sociologists about the cause of deviation in the Holy Qur’an. This is a descriptive and applied research, in which the sample consists of the first five chapters of the Holy Qur’an, and the data is gathered through a library research. The results show that 27.78 % of the verses are specified to deviants, and the Holy Qur’an considers non-monotheistic beliefs and and selection of diabolic life as the basic cause of deviance. As the consequences of deviancy in the Qur’an are as same as the outcomes of deviancy in modern world, deviation could be prevented by knowing basic causes of deviance and involving religion in all dimensions of social life in micro, middle and macro layers. All these factors justify the referral to the Holy Qur’an.


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