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1 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Faculty of Humanities, Yasouj University) Corresponding Author(

2 Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Yasouj University

3 Graduated in Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Yasuj University


One of the most important issues in the field of science and religion wich is a serious challenge in the present age is the environment. Environmental degradation has made researchers seek to discover the main causes of the emergence of this crisis. One of the less-discussed aspects is the environmental attitude of corruption on earth from the perspective of quranic commentator and environmental scientists. This paper tries to investigate the attitudes of both spectrums to the environment and the factors of reform and corruption in the earth by using descriptive-analytical and comparative methods and addressing the opinions of Quran commentators and biological scientists. After a comparative study and analysis of the opinions of the commentators under the verses, it was concluded that the opinions of Quran commentators and environmental scientists have commonalities and on the other hand include fundamental aspects and differentiations. One of these commonalities is the destruction of the environment by humans and the destruction of cultivation contexts that lead to the disruption of the ecosystem and its impact on human life, ignoring the selby and compelling acts in dealing with the Creator, creature and myself, are the discernible aspects that show the superiority of the views of commentators over biological scientists.


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